Grammatical gender
Grammatical gender is a system of nouns classification. A common gender classification includes masculine and feminine categories. Masculine nouns are words for men, boys and male animals. Feminine nouns are words for women, girls and female animals.
Masculine ➡laki-laki, such as boy, man, father, son, uncle,etc
Feminine ➡ perempuan, such as girl, woman, mother,daughter,etc
Masculine and feminine nouns
Laki-laki Dan perempuan
Masculine | Feminine |
actor | actress |
author | authoress |
bachelor | spinster |
boy | girl |
bridegroom | bride |
brother | sister |
conductor | conductress |
count | countess |
czar | czarina |
dad | mum |
daddy | mummy |
duke | duchess |
man | woman |
emperor | empress |
father | mother |
god | goddess |
grandfather | grandmother |
heir | heiress |
hero | heroine |
host | hostess |
husband | wife |
king | queen |
man | woman |
master | mistress |
murderer | murderess |
nephew | niece |
poet | poetess |
policeman | policewoman |
prince | princess |
sir | madam |
son | daughter |
uncle | aunt |
wizard | witch |
waiter | waitress |
Common gender nouns
Some nouns are used for both males and females. These nouns are referred to as common gender nouns.
- baby= bayi
- bird= burung
- cat= kucing
- cattle= ceret
- child= anak laki-laki
- dancer= penari
- deer= rusa
- friend= teman
- guest= tamu
- owner= pemilik
- parent= orang tua
- passenger= penumpang
- pig= babi
- president= pimimpin negara
- relative= keluarga
- sheep=domba
- singer= penyanyi
- student= murid
- teacher= guru
With animals, there is one general word for the animal. However, many species of animals, particularly those domesticated, have been given specific names for the male and the female.
animal | masculine | feminine |
rabbit | buck | doe |
horse | stallion | mare |
sheep | ram | ewe |
pig | boar | sow |
chicken | rooster | hen |
duck | drake | duck |
cattle | bull | cow |
goose | gander | goose |
fox | fox | vixen |
tiger | tiger | tigress |
lion | lion | lioness |
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