Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Pengertian noun phrase

Pengertian Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase adalah frasa antara nounpronoun, atau number (berfungsi sebagai head) dan satu atau lebih modifier. Frasa ini digunakan ketika single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk menunjuk suatu kata benda.
Noun Phrases
Noun-a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea
Noun Phrase-a noun and any words in the sentence that modify it; words that can modify nouns include articles (a, an, the); adjectives; participles; and possessive pronouns
A noun phrase can be a single word-just the noun-or more than one word.
Noun phrases can function in several different ways in a sentence. Some of the most common functions of noun phrases are listed below.
1. A noun phrase can be a subject:
2. A noun phrase can be a direct object:
3. A noun phrase can be the object of a preposition:
4. A noun phrase can be an indirect object:
Examples of Noun Phrases:
a yellow house a skate board the glistening snow
Each of these phrases contains a noun (house, board, snow). The other words modify the noun.
Examples of noun phrase as subjectThe yellow house is for sale.
The glistening snow covered the field.
Examples of noun phrase as direct object: I want a skate board.
Should we buy the yellow house?
Examples of noun phrase as object of preposition: Jeff rode on a skate board.
Karen lives in the yellow house.
Example of noun phrase as indirect object: Lisa gave the little boy a candy.

Basic Noun Phrase

Komponen basic noun phrase terdiri dari:
  • determiner, yaitu: pre (multiplier, fraction, distributive, intensifier, exclamative), central (article, possessive, demonstrative), dan/atau post-determiner (number, quantifier).
  • head, yaitu: noun atau numeral/number.

Contoh basic noun phrase:

  • my bag
Keterangan: my = possessive, bag = head
  • the next page
Keterangan: the = article, next = number, page = head

Complex Noun Phrase

Komponen complex noun phrase terdiri dari:
  • Pre-modifiers, merupakan modifiers yang ditempatkan sebelum head, yaitu: determineradjective (phrase), participle dan kata benda lain.
  • Head, yaitu: nounpronoun, atau number, dan/atau
  • Post-Modifiers, merupakan modifier yang ditempatkan setelah head, yaitu: prepositional phraseparticipleinfinitiverelative clause dan complementation.
Contoh complex noun phrase:
  • a love letter put on my bag
Keterangan: = determiner, love = kata benda lain, letter = head, put = past participle, on my bag = prepositional phrase
  • The rich in the world who care with the poor.
the = determiner, rich= adjective, in the world = prepositional phrase, who cares with the poor = relative clause

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